Capture Calif

Capture California

What is a YOLT? Well, you may have heard the term YOLO. Gary and Sherri think we can live again, not as James Bond, but as being reborn. Consequently, we are having fun in our life, after all, You Only Live Twice.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Adventure 308-Colorful Cottonwood

Gary with what looks like a Fremont Cottonwood
Capture California, the Game-2013
Adventure: 308-Colorful Cottonwood
Team: YOLT
Date:  October 22, 2013
Location: Yosemite Valley
As we went further around our hike on the West Yosemite Valley Loop Trail, we would see cottonwood trees off in the distrance. From there we could not tell if the trees were Black or Fremont Cottonwoods. Or maybe they are some other. When we came across this tree, we thought, bingo, the bark looks like a Fremont Cottonwood, not like a Black Cottonwood. But once again, this is to our untrained eyes.
Yosemite has a Fall Colors site which identifies that both Black and Fremont Cottonwoods are found in the park.

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