Capture Calif

Capture California

What is a YOLT? Well, you may have heard the term YOLO. Gary and Sherri think we can live again, not as James Bond, but as being reborn. Consequently, we are having fun in our life, after all, You Only Live Twice.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Adventure 008, Hike 085 - Butterfly Grove and More

Capture California, the Game-2012
Adventure: 008, Hike 085 – Butterfly Grove/California Coastal Trail
Team: Thing One, Thing Two
Date:  September 5, 2012
Location: Pismo Beach
Hike Info:
Trail: Butterfly Grove/California Coastal Trail
Distance:1.7 miles
Duration: 0:51
Elevation Rise: 75'

This is the second of our four hikes of today. 

Butterfly Grove/California Coastal Trail. As anybody who has been reading my accounts knows, that I am a believer in that many times an unexpected choice gives you great pleasure. I just need to look for it. In this case, we had seen a sign saying Butterfly Grove. Knowing it was not the right season for monarchs, we were not expecting much. Just a short walk to help digest our lunch. And that is what it looked like when we got out of the car.

There is a large area with a few picnic tables and a few benches. But after wander around, we discover a bridge and off we go. It first goes down the Creek Trail, beside the North Campground of Pismo Beach State Park, then crosses back over. We pick up this lovely boardwalk trail as it heads south. It mixes in with dunes on one side and a city golf course on the other. At one point, there is a sign which advises us to leave the boardwalk as a swarm of wasps has decided that under the boardwalk is a jolly good place to nest.

We meet all sorts of people, but because of the time of day, it is mostly older, retired folks. But that was one of the great things about this trail. One person saw Sherri's binoculors and said that he saw an osprey down the ways, but it had flown away. Another person saw us wandering and thought we were lost and kept trying to help us on the way. Very friendly trail.

We got to the parking lot and discovered this is part of the California Coast Trail. Maybe we really were lost. We turn back around and come back. When we hit the grove, Sherri finds a bird nibbling on a branch. After looking at it for awhile, we decide it is an osprey and when we see the pictures, it looks like it may be eating a grub. Wonder what excitement this trail holds in October when the Monarchs come back?

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