Capture Calif

Capture California

What is a YOLT? Well, you may have heard the term YOLO. Gary and Sherri think we can live again, not as James Bond, but as being reborn. Consequently, we are having fun in our life, after all, You Only Live Twice.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Adventure: 051, Site 057 – Blue Wing Inn

Capture California, the Game-2012
Adventure: 051, Site 057 – Blue Wing Inn
California Landmark Number: 017

Team: Thing One, Thing Two
Date:  September 20, 2012
Latitude: 38° 17.607′ N
Longitude: 122° 27.329′ W
Address: 133 E Spain St, Sonoma

Date Built: 1840

This building was closed—from our readings, it looks like the State is doing archological studies toward the end of stabilizing the building.

NO. 17 BLUE WING INN - Erected by General M. G. Vallejo about 1840 to accommodate emigrants and other travelers, the Inn was purchased in gold rush days by Cooper and Spriggs, two retired sea-faring men, and operated as hotel and store. It was among first hostelries in Northern California. Notable guests, according to local tradition, included John C. Frémont, U. S. Grant, Governor Pío Pico, Kit Carson, Fighting Joe Hooker, William T. Sherman, Phil Sheridan, and members of the Bear Flag Party.
Location: Sonoma State Historic Park, 133 E Spain St, Sonoma

Overall Landmark References:

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