Capture Calif

Capture California

What is a YOLT? Well, you may have heard the term YOLO. Gary and Sherri think we can live again, not as James Bond, but as being reborn. Consequently, we are having fun in our life, after all, You Only Live Twice.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Adventure 008, HIke 098 - Mt. Baldy Summit

Capture California, the Game-2012
Adventure: 008- 98: Mt. Baldy Summit
Team: Thing One, Thing Two
Date:  September 6, 2012
Location: Mt. Baldy
Description:  Mt. Baldy or San Antonio is the first of the three saints in Southern California. For most people this would be a one day trek and would be enough challenge. There was actually a trail run on this mountain on Labor Day that was dubbed the most challenging race in Southern California.  This was for me only part of my day. I participated in Jansport’s 8000 meter challenge, which was a one day event involving all 3 of the saints in Southern California. It involves teams from outdoor retailers throughout California and Nevada.

At 5 am I toed the line at Manker Flats alongside 100+ other participants. Mt. Baldy involves a 4,000 foot elevation climb in a 5 and a half mile span. To the top and back is a round trip of 11 miles. As we climbed up the trail at a quick hiking speed I could look back and see the row of headlights trailing behind me. In the space of two hours I made it the summit where I checked in, took a few pictures, and started the mad dash down. Made it back to the car by 8 am (all while staying on the trail, no trail-cutting for me!) and did a quick change before starting the drive to the next mountain. I left my flag at the top of the mountain in a teammate’s pack but managed to get a picture at the trailhead. On we go!!

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