Capture Calif

Capture California

What is a YOLT? Well, you may have heard the term YOLO. Gary and Sherri think we can live again, not as James Bond, but as being reborn. Consequently, we are having fun in our life, after all, You Only Live Twice.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Adventure 008, Hike 082 - Lewis S Eaton Trail

Capture California, the Game-2012
Adventure: 008, Hike 082 – Lewis S Eaton Trail
Team: Thing One, Thing Two
Date:  September 2, 2012
Location: Woodward Park, Fresno
Hike Info:
Trail: Lewis S Eaton Trail
Distance: 6.0
Duration: 1:56
Elevation Rise: 214'

The Lewis S Eaton Trail is destined to be Fresno and it's surroundings premier trail. Currently it only is three and a half miles, stretching from Woodward park to the Coke Hallowell Center for River Studies. But the plans are to have the trail stretch through 22 miles spanning much of the San Joaquin River's path in Fresno County.

Our team did this hike at dusk during Labor Day weekend. Even though it was a cool 94 degrees, this is not a trail to tackle during a summer afternoon. Plus there are certain advantages of walking this either at sunrise or sunset. That is when the wildlife is most active. We saw rabbits scurrying around, crows overhead and several owls perched on the telephone lines.

This trail is an active trail as well—bicyclists, walkers, joggers, strollers, and even an occasion equestrian traveler go along this trail. You are hardly alone on it. Even if you are, this is an urban trail with the busy Friant Road just a hundred feet from the trail. But when you look over the bluffs down to the San Joaquin River basin, you can see some semblance of what the Fresno area may have looked like in yesteryear. The area around the Jensen River Ranch is being restored and is interesting to look at, even from the bluffs. Last June we hiked the Tom MacMichael Sr. Trail which goes through this area. On the other end of the trail at the Coke Hallowell house is the Hidden Homes Nature Trail, which explains habitat. And along your walk you get to admire distant trees and Friant Dam. It is a good walk for Fresno.

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